Generate Free Traffic With These Ingenious Methods
Nothing is as important as a steady flow of interested visitors to your website. But advertising can cost big bucks, and not all of us have the cash to spend. So let me share with you three incredibly powerful methods that you can use to generate free traffic to your site. There is no need to spend even one dime on advertising, because you can get more than enough traffic just by using these easy to understand methods. This article will arm you with valuable knowledge that will turn your website into a visitor attracting machine.
There is a lot of money to be made on the internet. They always say, "It takes money to make money" but that just isn't true for you web page. To turn a profit online, the most important thing to have is a steady stream of visitors. Here are some great ways that you can get free visitors to your sites. Even without spending a penny, you can use the following methods to generate free traffic to any site that you can imagine.
Write Articles
Article marketing is a powerful tool that can be used to generate free traffic. This method involves creating high quality articles of about 500 to 700 words about the topic or niche that your website is about and then publishing those articles all over the net with a link that points back to your site. Readers will find your articles and then visit your site if they found the content useful. Try to get as many people to read your articles as you can. There are a lot of free directories that will let you submit and publish what you write.
When you publish an article to a directory, you will be allowed to post a link back to your site which will help raise the reputation of your website overall. This is another great method to get free visitors - getting as many backlinks as you can, which brings us to the next free method.
Swap Links
When other websites link to your site, search engines will see your site as more credible. This is called backlinking and it is a great method to increase your visitor count. So, try to get as many backlinks as you can. This is easier than you might think. Not only are there many free directories that will list and link to your sites, but you can often times find another web page that is based on the same topic as yours and simply e-mail the webmaster and ask to swap links. Link swapping means that you would place a link to their site on yours while they would do the same for you.
Many webmasters will be more than willing to swap links with you as long as you contact them in a polite and professional manner. Be careful with this, because you do not want your message to sound like a SPAM e-mail. Just find a site that is similar to yours and tell the webmaster something like...
I was surfing through the net and I came across your site,, and I thought that it was very well put together. I operate a similar site at and I was wondering if you would like to exchange links with me..."
A message like this, sent from your personal e-mail will go a long way when you are building backlinks.
Exchange Content
Many websites generate free traffic by not only exchanging links with other webmasters, but exchanging content as well. This is similar to article marketing because it involves creating a short article for the specific purpose of allowing someone else to post it on their site with a link back to your page. This is a win-win situation because you are offering them some unique content and you will be getting a free backlink.
This is really a diamond in the rough and more people should take advantage of this easy and effective method. Not only will you earn a backlink, but you will get free visitors when they see your content on someone else's site and decide to pay your website a visit.
You can just contact the owners of blogs and websites that are similar to yours, in the same way that you contacted them about swapping links. Only this time, you can ask to swap content. You can even offer that they provide you with an article to post on your site with a backlink to their page.
There are many avenues to gaining visitors to your web page. But these are three of the most powerful methods to generate free traffic that you will ever come across. You now have the knowledge, but it is up to you to start taking action. Once you start utilizing these methods, your visitor count will start to explode and you will be thanking yourself!
get free visitors, generate free traffic
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